9th November, 2023

OnDesign podcast feat. David Shrigley

Listen to David talking about his creative journey and role in Sidmouth School of Art

Check out the fascinating OnDesign podcast where Justyna Green talks to our very own David Shrigley.

The wide-ranging conversation centres on David's work, how he sees the creative process (including a pick-your-nose methaphor) and the underrated importance of "just getting on with it, because art doesn't make itself". When the chat comes to artistic 'likes', David explains how he's drawn to art that creates surprise and appeals to his curiosity.

From 33 minutes onward, David delves into his experiences of getting arts projects off the ground - and uses Sidmouth School of Art as a key example of what can be achieved. In fact, in the 50-minute long podcast, there are 12 minutes that are entirely focused on our work. As well as highlighting all the work of the SSA team, the conversation covers the benefits to the local community and highlights just a handful of the projects we're facilitating - from Wallspace artworks to all the creative workshops we're planning and running with local and international artists.

To listen to the podcast, visit: